EPOC webinar series on energy & transport system models now available online!

Within the EPOC project, 13 research institutions in Belgium have spent the last 4 years working on energy system models related to the security of electricity supply. 
To conclude the project, EnergyVille hosted several online webinars. The recordings of these webinars are now available online.

  • 24 March: Market models by Lina Silva (EnergyVille/VITO), Jérémie Bottieau (UMons) and Jacques Carthuyvels (UCL)
    • Short introduction on market models and focus of the EPOC research.
    • Strategic provision of balancing services in short-term electricity markets (Jeremie Bottieau – UMons)
    • Short-term electricity market design under uncertainty for a low carbon emission future (Lina Silva – EnergyVille/VITO)
    • Tools and simulations on scarcity pricing mechanism (Jacques Carthuyvels – UCL)
  • 19 April 2023: The role of hydrogen by Pieter Vingerhoets (EnergyVille/VITO) and Michel Honselaar (Waterstofnet)
    • Hydrogen potential and parameters (Michel Honselaar – Waterstofnet)
    • The role of hydrogen in the Belgian energy system (Pieter Vingerhoets – EnergyVille/VITO)
  • 3 May 2023: The Dunkelflaute – what is it, and how to tackle periods with low wind and sun by Francois Duchene (RMI) and Partha Das (EnergyVille/VITO)
    • The Dunkelflaute: an analysis from climate point of view (Francois Duchene – RMI)
    • Impact of the Dunkelflaute on molecule backup requirements (Partha Das – EnergyVille/VITO and Léo Coppens – ICEDD)
  • 5 May 2023: Models for adequacy & Security of Supply by Sebastiaan Gonzato (EnergyVille/KU Leuven) and Efthymios Karangelos (ULiège)
  • Agenda:
    • Introduction to adequacy and security of supply models
    • The second presentation discusses generation adequacy models, which use advanced probabilistic computational techniques in comparison to current state-of-the-art assumptions (Sebastian Gonzato – EnergyVille/KU Leuven)
    • This presentation includes several models: an electricity grid model and forecast error generator where uncertainties in e.g. wind and solar output are captured. In a second step, it is shown how a machine learning algorithm can greatly improve the speed and resolution of security of supply assessments (Efthimios Karangelos – ULiege)
  • 11 May 2023: Buildings and heating by Mohammad Haris Shamsi (EnergyVille/VITO), Robbe Salenbien (EnergyVille/VITO) and Yves Marenne/Leo Coppens (ICEDD)
    • The PATHOPT tool, a computationally advanced tool connecting waste heat sources and heating demand (Robbe Salenbien – EnergyVille/VITO)
    • The built environment: pathway to decarbonize the building stock (Mohammad Haris Shamsi – EnergyVille/VITO and Léo Coppens – ICEDD)
  • 16 May 2023: Net zero transport of the future by Inge Mayeres (TML), Léo Coppens (ICEDD) and Andrea Moglianesi (EnergyVille/VITO)
    • Net Zero Transport in the TIMES energy system model (Andrea Moglianesi – EnergyVille/VITO)
    • Rebound effects and policy implications of transport decarbonization pathways (Christophe Heyndrickx – Transport & Mobility Leuven)
    • The market potential for Vehicle – to - grid in Belgium – a stated preference survey (Rosanne Vanpée – Transport & Mobility Leuven)
    • 17 May 2023: The role of the consumer by Julien Garcia Arenas (ULB)
      • Consumer investment models (Julien Garcia Arenas – ULB)