Fact & Figures

A climate-neutral Belgium by 2050: What role can a nuclear extension play?

 In recent years, EnergyVille/VITO has been researching the optimal way to achieve a climate-neutral Belgium by 2050, and this at the lowest societal cost.

EPOC webinar series on energy & transport system models now available online!

Within the EPOC project, 13 research institutions in Belgium have spent the last 4 years working on energy system models related to the security of electricity supply. 

Additional energy system scenarios for electricity provision in Belgium in 2030 and 2050

Position paper: Post-COVID recovery: Challenges and opportunities for the energy system

In early 2020, the world was hit by the COVID-19 virus, causing a crisis in many sectors and also having a clear impact on the energy system.

Fact Check: The Belgian Energy Provision of Electricity in the Winter of 2018-2019

Energy Transition in Belgium Choices and Costs